There's no good reason to put Woodbridge and Fredericksburg together in a grouping of supermarkets, beyond the fact that they're the two places in northeastern Virginia that I've actually photographed. So that's a good enough reason for me! We'll be checking out a store in Fredericksburg and seven about 30 miles to the north in Woodbridge, over the next week or so, and I have some pretty interesting stuff around here. This is a quick collection of stores, captured on my travels to and from Charleston, so a lot of the posts will be pretty short. That doesn't mean there isn't a lot to see, though! After this, we'll spend a little bit of time in the DC and Baltimore suburbs before jumping into Pennsylvania, beginning in the Philadelphia area. Lots of fun stuff coming up in the next few... days? Weeks? Months? All of the above, so head over to The Market Report tomorrow to check out our Fredericksburg store! In the meantime, check out today's updat